Lazare Biomimetic Dentistry and Smile Design Lazare Biomimetic Dentistry and Smile Design

Start the New Year Right With a Dental Check-Up

dental tools on tray

New Year, New Chance to Take Care of Your Health

Right before the beginning of a new year, we all make a list of things we want to be or do differently. Often, taking care of ourselves and our health is at the top of that list — but what about your oral health?

Your oral health plays a large part in your overall wellness, and one of the best ways that you can protect both is to schedule your dental check-up sooner rather than later. Here’s why:

Your Oral Health & Your Overall Wellbeing

Poor oral hygiene can lead to consequences for not just your teeth and gums — but for your overall physical health. In addition, having other health conditions such as diabetes can leave patients more predisposed to developing worse oral conditions. Patients with certain undiagnosed medical conditions may notice a change in their oral health, which can be the first indicator that something is wrong.

If your goal is to start taking care of your health — booking your dental exam and cleaning for the new year is a great first step.

What Happens at a Check-Up?

Haven’t been to the dentist in a while? During your exam, Dr. Lazare will check your teeth and gums for any signs of inflammation, disease, or damage. He will also check how much plaque and tartar are on your teeth and offer guidance about how you can improve your dental hygiene routine at home if needed. From there, X-rays may be taken and then your teeth will be cleaned. He will take you on a tour of your mouth with his intraoral camera and 3D imaging and discuss any ways to help protect, maintain, and improve you’re the health and beauty of your smile.

Restorative & Cosmetic Procedures

If you’ve been waiting to talk to your dentist about cosmetic improvements or biomimetic restorative procedures or treatments, you can take advantage of your cleaning appointment to do so. Dr. Lazare may suggest that you come back for further appointments, but we can still start the conversation and get you scheduled. Think of it as two birds with one stone!

Book Your Appointment Today

Don’t wait until after the holidays to schedule your appointment! Start taking charge of your oral health now by booking your next visit with Dr. Marc Lazare and his team today.

Contact us online or give us a call at F:P:Site:Phone}.

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